Copper improves with age

Copper is an excellent choice for a timeless and beautiful roofing option. Its beauty only increases with time, giving homes a distinctive character that lasts a lifetime.

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Low maintenance and long-life shingles

Copper’s resistance to the elements ranks among the highest of modern roofing materials. When properly designed and installed, a copper roof provides a beautiful, long-term roofing solution. Unlike many other metal roofing materials, copper requires no painting or finishing.

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My new Metal Shingle roof looks amazing! It makes my house stand out from the rest. It looks like a new home! I also noticed a definite difference in insulation and my house is much cooler than before.

What customers near you are saying:

As first time homeowners, we were navigating the roof replacement process for the first time, and ECMR made it easy every step of the way! We would recommend ECMR to anyone in the market for a new roof.

The roofers were amazing and very dedicated and thoughtful. Honestly we were in awe of their work.

Overall the experience was incredible and we will always recommend the company to everyone. We now have an incredible roof that I won’t have to worry about for a lifetime.

Learn why so many East Coast Metal Roofing customers love their roof.

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